A Better Divorce Option To Protect Special Needs Children
There are additional considerations when divorce involves a special needs child. Special needs children often require financial support and long-term solutions beyond the typical cut-off age of 18. And even though parents of special needs children hope for the best and that their children will be able to live on their own, they should plan for the worst.
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3 Tips to Successfully Co-Parent with an Ex
If you’re a separated or divorced parent, I know how difficult it can be – especially when it comes to successfully, and respectfully, co-parenting with your former partner. In addition to being a Collaborative Divorce attorney, I also have personal experience as a mother of five with two separate parenting agreements. As a trained co-parenting coach, here are my top three tips for a successful experience with your parenting partner:
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The Slamming Doors of Divorce Negotiation (and How to Avoid Them)
The benefits of Collaborative Divorce can be difficult for clients to appreciate in advance. Seeing and appreciating how a joint problem-solving negotiation differs from adversarial and transactional negotiation in substance and result is far easier in retrospect.
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The Financial Impact of Divorce and How Collaborative Can Save Money
There is a way to handle divorce that is known to be healthier, more economically savvy, and less destructive than traditional divorce litigation and more people need to know about it. Out-of-court divorce processes, also known as alternative dispute resolution processes can save divorcing spouses money since they are more cost effective.
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Holiday Co-Parenting Tips: Who, What, and When
Navigating holidays in a divorce can be stressful at a time when everyone just wants to relax and enjoy themselves. Holidays often have deep emotional roots and figuring out how to handle them in a divorce can create emotional disagreements. To enjoy holidays as much as possible during and after a divorce, follow these tips about the Who, the What, and the When:
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The True Costs of Divorce – It’s Not Just About Money
Divorce is often thought of in terms of its legal and financial costs. And it’s true, divorce can be costly. However, the emotional costs of a contentious divorce can be equally, if not more, devastating. Divorce can also take a toll on one’s self-esteem and sense of self-worth. The end of a marriage can lead to feelings of loneliness, anxiety, depression, and grief. And these feelings are not only experienced by the divorcing spouses. The children and extended family will be affected as well.
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