
3 Tips to Successfully Co-Parent with an Ex

If you’re a separated or divorced parent, I know how difficult it can be – especially when it comes to successfully, and respectfully, co-parenting with your former partner. In addition to being a Collaborative Divorce attorney, I also have personal experience as a mother of five with two separate parenting agreements. As a trained co-parenting coach, here are my top three tips for a successful experience with your parenting partner:

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Protecting Your Privacy with Collaborative Law

Accessing public records in court files is getting easier in North Carolina with the introduction of a new online eCourt system. This software and technology infrastructure improvement will transition the state’s court system from paper to digital.  However, the eCourt system opens the door for any member of the public to easily access court records and documents at their fingertips. This brings up privacy concerns, especially for sensitive cases within family law and divorce.

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IACP and Collaborative Practice Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

Collaborative Practice is truly changing the world for the better and that’s one of many reasons why this conflict resolution method and the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (IACP) were nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize.

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Our Top Recommended Podcasts to Get You Through Divorce

NC-CAN member attorneys often recommend podcasts to their clients. These free audio resources are filled with useful information that’s not only relatable but also helpful and inspiring. Some of our member attorneys have hosted or been guests on divorce-related podcasts to share their insight into the Collaborative Law process. We put together a list of some of our favorite podcasts that our member attorneys often share with their clients as they experience separation, divorce, and co-parenting.

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Ode to the Collaborative Divorce Process

As a daughter, I have forgiven, processed and mourned the loss of my foundation, my relationship with my father, my family as I knew it, my childhood home, my support system, and everything else that was destroyed during the divorce. I have forgiven my father, but as a daughter, the void in my heart remains.

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A Cautionary Tale from a Child of an Ugly Divorce

Here is a powerful story of what can happen when divorce and child custody spins out of control, from the blog of founding member Ashley-Nicole Russell:

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